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During the pandemic, with the joint efforts of all our teachers and staff, our in-person and distance learning options have provided an uninterrupted learning experience for our students. We have offered highly engaging and quality programs that have received praise and accolades from our community!



Although physical activities have been limited while families are sheltering in place, we took physical education even more seriously. We have made physical activities an important part of our program by offering dance, yoga, and music and movement.

We have been documenting everyday activities as well as celebrating special interactive online and drive through events to share with our parents and families. We have created videos, photo collages, and a newsletter to inform our families about the day-to-day life, their child’s school environment, and captured very special moments of our children. These multi-media opportunities have allowed our parents to stay informed and have helped us to continue to build community.

Our special events have included Mother’s Day, Drive Through Graduation Ceremony, Father’s Day, Dragon Boat Festival, Fourth of July Parade, online Back to School Night in which parents and children could participate, Mid-Autumn Festival, Halloween, Online Parent- Teacher Conference, Thanksgiving, a holiday family film competitions and year-end performances.

新冠病毒疫情雖然迫使多數實體活動停擺,但本校的各項活動並沒有因疫情而減少,反而更加豐富精彩,除了遠距教學及實體課程外,為孩子提供現場活動,拍攝影片,記錄孩子在校的生活點滴及表演項目,讓家長了解孩子在校的學習狀況;也舉辦各項線上互動的活動。例如:母親節、Drive Through畢業典禮、父親節、端午節、美國國慶遊行、實體暑期夏令營(K至五年級)、秋季營(Fall Camp)、線上返校座談會(Back to School Night)、中秋節、萬聖節、線上Parent-Teacher Conference、感恩節、節日家庭影片競賽及歲末年終表演等。


(408) 873-2889


12000 Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road, Saratoga, CA 95070

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